Cavendish Corporate Curling
After a successful Curling Competition on the 16th November at iceSheffield, we are back by popular demand. This is a very easy, fun and no pressure environment to get to network, team build and do something different at the same time!
Back by popular demand! Ever wanted to try your hand at curling?
After a successful Curling Competition on the 16th November at iceSheffield, we are back by popular demand. We had a fantastic event with over 75 people and 35 businesses represented! Well done to our winning team, Freeths, who were closely followed by OSL Cutting Technologies!
So we’re back, and this time we’re bigger, with huge thanks to Highlander for generously continuing to sponsor this event! We have two sessions to choose from – 11.30pm-2pm and 2.30pm-5pm.
Spaces are limited with just 60 places for each session (12 teams of 5!) You can enter as individuals or bring along a team of 5 (individuals will form teams on the day) to try something new and meet other business professionals at the same time. Tea and coffee with be provided on arrival.
Don’t worry, this isn’t the Winter Olympics – we’ll leave that to the professionals in February. This is a very easy, fun and no pressure environment to get to network and do something different at the same time!
Tickets are £20 per person and can be booked here -
Shout out to Highlander Computing Solutions who are generously continuing their support with this event!