Rail depot equipment specialist, Mechan, is raising its profile in the Middle East by forging links with one of the region's leading transport industry suppliers.
The volume of reported fraud across the region has increased in the last 12 months, with third party fraud via firms' suppliers and customers now accounting for half of Yorkshire's £49.
Skills for Careers are delighted to announce that we have secured funding to fully fund the cost of our Management Excellence Programme starting on 5th March 2015, for 25 candidates.
A life coach from Sheffield plans to cycle from London to Paris in June to support her local cancer hospital.
Wosskow Brown and ConnectChina are joining forces to host two mornings of practical workshops on doing business in China.
Most studies tell us the same thing that when employees feel engaged with their manager and their company they give more discretionary effort.
Get yourself recognised, remembered and referred with a fantastic FREE networking opportunity at John Holland Sales! Struggle to find time to meet new people? Conveniently at the end of the working day, come along and join us for Christmas drinks and meet many other businesses, without any commitment or restrictions, in a relaxed, informal atmosphere.
As the 2014 global economic crime survey (GECS) showed, insider fraud is an increasing threat to organisations in every industry and sector.