A leading conveyancer says recent improvements in the housing market should continue beyond the expected rush for first time buyers to complete property deals ahead of the stamp duty holiday deadline.
Sheffield based Chartered Accountants Hart Shaw is advising businesses and individuals to review their financial affairs closely, after the Chancellor introduced a number of measures in his 2012 Budget.
Rail depot maintenance specialist, Mechan, is bidding farewell to one of the most influential members of its management team, following a 49-year career in the transport industry.
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce has made it easier for members to access 6,000 UK and EU funding programmes.
Flame Hardeners Ltd has been a part of Sheffield's industrial scene since 1945 and operates out of Shorter Works inBailey Lane.
Britain needs to -raise its game to make sure it is not left behind by emerging markets around the world, according to Jeremy Browne MP, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
This week, the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has finalised details of its Enterprise Zone following extensive talks with Treasury.
In these difficult times, it seems that local companies' working together helps to produce success stories all around.