· The UK deficit on trade in goods and services was £1.
THREE of Sheffield's most well-known organisations and charities have joined forces in a bid to save more lives across the city.
Ahead of further storms this weekend, and the news that the main railway line linking Devon and Cornwall to the rest of the United Kingdom is unlikely to re-open for at least six weeks, Dr Adam Marshall, Executive Director of Policy and External Affairs at the British Chambers of Commerce, said: "It's high time that the resilience of our transport networks moved higher up the Westminster agenda.
We would like to invite members to our "St George's Community Day" taking place at St Wilfrid's Centre, 524 Queens Road, Sheffield, S2 4DT on Wednesday 23rd April 2014.
Commenting on the speech made by the Prime Minister today about Scotland remaining within the UK, John Longworth, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: -While an independent Scotland could be a viable country, the break-up of the Union between Scotland and the rest of the UK would certainly be disruptive to business, to the economy, and to British politics as we know it.
A popular Sheffield centre aimed at improving the health and fitness of the local community, including people with disabilities, is set to celebrate its 10th Birthday next month.
Commenting on the interest rate decision announced today by the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, David Kern, Chief Economist at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said: -Given the global uncertainties, and the still delicate state of the UK economy, the decision to hold both interest rates and QE was uncontroversial and appropriate.
Law Firm Supported Sheffield Contractor With Original Purchase Of Building In 2011 Law firm Irwin Mitchel has advised its Sheffield-based client, JF Finnegan, on the sale of Elizabeth House on Queen Street in Leeds City Centre to an institutional investor for an undisclosed sum.
National Go Green week starts on Monday.