Join Hill Dickinson at our Sheffield office for a complimentary round table discussion on change management.
It was nearly RIP for fans of the hugely popular Sheffield Indie band, Revered and the Makers at The Ark, Preston, as front man Jon McClure overslept last Friday before his evening gig.
Sheffield area companies and organisations that have fought hard to grow and create jobs despite difficult trading conditions were praised today by a business leader.
Sheffield Hallam University is hosting a series of events to celebrate the success of its inspirational female academics, staff and students as part of International Women's Day on 8 March.
Yorkshire based Jaguar group Hatfields (Who are also the oldest established Jaguar dealers in the world) Sheffield dealership has been awarded -Jaguar Service Centre of the Year 2013 Staff at theHatfields dealership, on Sharrow Vale Road, Sheffield scooped the coveted award at a sparkling ceremony in London last weekend.
Commenting on the interest rate decision announced today by the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, David Kern, Chief Economist at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said: -Following the Inflation Report last month, it was clear that no changes to interest rates or QE would be considered.
Commenting on James Brokenshire's speech on immigration this morning, and ahead of Vince Cable's Mansion House speech tonight, Dr Adam Marshall, Executive Director of Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: -When it comes to immigration, the question shouldn't be whether you are 'intensely relaxed' about it or whether you feel the numbers are 'just too high'.
The Source Skills Academy's Sheffield hub on Surrey Street is opening its doors three days a week to help young people get into apprenticeships.
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