The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) today published a map highlighting the urgent need for action on a range of transport projects needed to boost business growth across the UK.
Greater Powers Required To Help Deal with Growing Landlord and Tenant Issue Commercial property experts at theSheffieldoffice of law firm, Irwin Mitchell, are calling for greater Police and Local Authority powers in order to help landlords and tenants deal more effectively with an expected rise in the number of shop squatters this Christmas.
When you think of glamorous rock stars, you would be forgiven for not linking their career paths to those of accountants.
The Copthorne Hotel Sheffield has the pleasure in introducing their new GM, Mr Trevor Vels.
Sheffield solicitors, Taylor&Emmet LLP, is adding a divorce coach to its growing family team, to provide local couples with emotional support during the separation process.
Barber Harrison & Platt (BHP), Yorkshire's leading firm of independent chartered accountants has been shortlisted for the British Accountancy 2012 Audit and Tax Excellence Awards for the second year running.
In September this year, CSI Lifecycle Services held an innovative event to raise money for Chamber Charity of the Year, Sheffield Young Carers.
Following on from the success of the 2013 Conference for Growth, the Sheffield City Region Chambers are delighted to announce the second Conference for Growth, with headline sponsor BULL Information Systems, taking place in Doncaster on 8th February 2013.
Commenting on the speech by the Deputy Prime Minster on housing today (Thursday), Dr Adam Marshall, Director of Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: -In our submission to the Chancellor ahead of the Autumn Statement next month, the BCC called for a new fund to unblock stalled developments, so the government's pledge to provide £225m is a welcome step in the right direction.