TRAINEE BUSINESS solicitors at the Sheffield office of national law firm, Irwin Mitchell, have announced that they are to host a charity poker night on 19 July 2012.
YORKSHIRE BUSINESSES are almost twice as likely to encourage voluntary redundancies and outsource loss-making services during the next 12 months compared to two years ago according to a report by national law firm, Irwin Mitchell.
Long serving receptionist, Vicky Wild has received recognition for her outstanding contribution to the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce after 40 years with the company.
Solicitors at hlw Keeble Hawson's private client division in Sheffield are marking a milestone after donating 500 hours of specialist pro bono support to three local charities over the past 12 months.
A LEADING real estate lawyer at Irwin Mitchell in Sheffield has urged local landlords to tread carefully and consider all the legal issues relating to 'pop-up' stores and their potential for filling empty properties on the high street.
The sale of the regional division of BMI to the UK consortium of investors, Sector Aviation Holdings Ltd.
Award winning dealmaker Strategic Corporate Finance has secured a multimillion-pound funding package to finance a management buy out at the UK's largest manufacturer of frozen pet food, Anglian Meat Products.
'Support the theatre community' that was the call from actor and director Richard Wilson OBE at the Sheffield Chamber's Annual President's Dinner.
Efficiency North are pleased to announce an innovative collaborative procurement project which presents a significant opportunity to heating maintenance service providers of all sizes.