They may not know their nine times table or how to tie their shoelaces yet, but over 16% of children aged between 5 to 7 have sent an email and over 11% use live chat.
Have you ever wondered how you can reach customers in real-time? A brand new marketing platform is coming to the Steel City and will change the way you market to customers.
Twinkl Educational Publishing is delighted to announce that its Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) team has been named as the Global Digital In-House Team of the Year at the 2020 Global Digital Excellence Awards.
The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious awards for UK businesses and winning an Award offers a business multiple benefits, including global recognition, increased business growth and boosting staff morale.
Sheffield-based digital technology consultancy 3Squared has signed a 3-year deal, with an option to extend for 10 years, to supply its RailSmart Competency Management Solution to Network Rail following a competitive tender process.
Scientists from the University of Sheffield are set to perform a free online concert as part of this year’s Cheltenham Science Festival.
Using smartphone and smart speaker virtual assistants such as Siri and Alexa is an everyday occurrence for many at home and organisations are now increasingly adopting the use of voice technology in their day-to-day operations.
Educational Publisher, Twinkl, has released an electronic book (ebook) which focuses on the experiences that children in Sheffield may have faced during lockdown and the emotions they may experience when returning to school in the coming months.
Alight Media, the leading challenger in UK digital and paper posters, commits to a 12-month package of support for local businesses to help SMEs and re-start the economy