As with many businesses throughout 2020 the Charles H Coward Ltd Group of Companies has certainly had its resolve stretched and tested.
A major incident has been declared in South Yorkshire as Storm Christoph hits. It is set to bring widespread flooding so IFM Insurance are reminding local businesses and landlords about FloodFlash.
The University of Sheffield is calling for business views and opinions to help shape its Remote Voluntary Internship Programme for international students.
EN:Procure, the specialist procurement arm of social housing consortium Efficiency North Holdings Limited is launching today a unique land brokerage and advisory framework.
Chesterfield-based Investors in Community has expanded its team after seeing a 68% increase in the number of charities using the platform since March, including the Teenage Cancer Trust, British Heart Foundation, and Mind.
RISE is a unique business support initiative focussed on enabling small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to grow through the employment of graduate talent.
The Covid-19 pandemic has not only drastically changed how we live, but also how we work, and this could have long term consequences for the future of our cities, say academics from the University of Sheffield.
Sheffield-headquartered postural support specialist, Jenx, has announced a new year-long partnership with High Green-based Paces, a specialist school for conductive education.
A Childcare T Level (Technical qualification) tutor at Barnsley College has embraced a new way of teaching as she utilises innovative digital platforms to further her students’ specialist knowledge.