The UK’s largest annual art competition for school children finally re-opens its doors to exhibition visitors in a few weeks’ time after COVID forced a two year absence.
A manifesto has been drawn up to demand action from health authorities as part of a ground-breaking study that has uncovered ‘shocking and systemic’ levels of racism in the NHS.
Time is quickly running out ahead of the 1st April 2022 deadline, when all VAT registered businesses, regardless of turnover, will have to submit quarterly VAT returns using Making Tax Digital (MTD) compliant software.
A new study exploring the perceptions of banter amongst footballers has found the professional setting can legitimise and normalise bullying
UK economic growth is expected to halve this year amid soaring inflation, major tax rises, and global shocks - including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Yorkshire Air Ambulance has appointed a new Regional Fundraising Manager for South and West Yorkshire. Vickie Bowden has stepped up from Regional Fundraiser for the West Region to manage the entirety of West and South Yorkshire.
The Sheffield College has been shortlisted for three awards which celebrate excellence in the education sector in the North.
Sheffield Chamber is pleased to announce that award winning digital marketing agency, The SEO Works, has joined their exclusive Patronage level of membership.
Sheffield Hallam has been shortlisted for two awards, including the coveted title of University of the Year, in the Educate North Awards, which celebrate outstanding work in higher and further education.