Enabling nursing and healthcare students to join the NHS workforce, offering staff paid leave to take up emergency volunteering roles and supporting colleagues to assist hospitals in testing for the coronavirus
A leading UK postural support specialist has launched a new low-cost scheme to provide disabled children and their families with access to potentially life-saving equipment.
Engineers from the University of Sheffield are responding to a national call for help in the fight against coronavirus by 3D printing face shields for doctors and healthcare workers.
Cavendish Cancer Care are looking for virtual bucket collectors this weekend. It’s really easy to get involved and you can even do it from your sofa.
A man who lost his wife of fifteen years is paying tribute to the most “loving and caring” person he’s ever known by raising funds for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice in her memory.
We would like to help the NHS unlock urgently needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) equipment including dust masks, vinyl gloves and aprons.
There was a spike in the number of people reporting significant levels of depression and anxiety immediately following the Prime Minister’s announcement of a lockdown on 23 March, a study has found.
A Yorkshire-based postural support specialist is coming to the aid of thousands of disabled children in the UK by offering to transport vital support equipment usually accessed at school for free, nationwide.
Cancer charity Cavendish Cancer Care want to ensure stakeholders that the charity remains open for business during the Covid-19 pandemic and would like people to know that they are still here for you.