South Yorkshire Chambers of Commerce write open letter to Conservative Party members in the region selecting their next leader and the UK’s Prime Minister.
A survey of over 2,600 UK exporters has revealed that overseas sales growth has been effectively stagnant for more than a year since the economy fully reopened after lockdown.
Commenting on the Office for National Statistics inflation figures for June 2022, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Alex Veitch, said:???
An innovative £2m fund to help communities in the wake of Covid-19 has been hailed as a game-changer by business leaders.
“The publication of the report by the Race Equality Commission is a historic moment for the city...
Responding to the review announced by airport owner Peel Group, the CEOs of Barnsley & Rotherham, Doncaster and Sheffield Chambers of Commerce said in a joint statement:
On the publication of the South Yorkshire Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) for Q2 2022, the CEOs of Barnsley & Rotherham, Doncaster and Sheffield Chambers of Commerce said in a joint statement:
We’ve seen significant changes across the workplace in recent years to support greater collaboration, and another major milestone is fast approaching.
We have the latest information on Safeguard measure that was published on 22nd June which will have an impact on businesses in this region.