Business is calling on the next Prime Minister to reduce the unsustainable cost of employing people in the UK.
Commenting on the inflation statistics for June 2019, published today by the Office for National Statistics, Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: -Inflation held steady in June, as the upward pressures from clothing and food were offset by weaker outturns in several price categories including fuel prices and accommodation services.
For us at Mantra, one of the most exciting steps when working with new clients is the launch day of their content or social media strategy.
Sheffield digital agency Evoluted has worked with local student accommodation provider Gnome Student Homes to create an engaging resource designed to promote Sheffield's 13 'city' parks (as according to Sheffield City Council).
Richard Wright, Director of Policy and Representation at Sheffield Chamber, said: "Phase 2a is the route between Birmingham and Crewe.
Sheffield's Wake Smith Solicitors has been shortlisted twice in the Yorkshire Legal Awards 2019.
Leading experts unite to form the Northern Universities' Public Health Alliance (NUPHA) to tackle health inequalities across the north of England 88 per cent of northern local authorities have a lower female life expectancy, and 86 per cent have a lower male life expectancy than average in England NUPHA will aim to highlight gross inequalities seen within the north itself and between the north and the rest of England Leading health experts across the north, including from the University of Sheffield, have today (18 July 2019) joined together to respond to worsening health inequalities between the north and the rest of England, which show over half of the north has a lower life expectancy than the worst area in the South.
WIZZ Air have announced a new twice-weekly flight to Chisinau, Moldova taking off from Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) from 20th December.
Location Crowne Plaza Sheffield Victoria Station Road Sheffield S4 7YE SHEFFIELD CHAMBER MEMBERS CAN RECEIVE A 25% DISCOUNT ON THIS WORKSHOP BY USING THE CODE -CHAMBER25 BEFORE THE END OF JULY Welcome to the third workshop of The Sales Growth Club LIVE, this workshop is all about mastering a winning pipeline full of opportunities and growing sales in areas you may not have explored before.