On 27th January 2021 businesses from across the region gathered to hear the latest results following the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Quarterly Economic Review for Q4.
Commenting on the latest statistics from HMRC on usage of the government’s Job Retention Scheme up until 31 December 2020, BCC Co-Executive Director Hannah Essex said:
Results from the British Chambers of Commerce Quarterly Recruitment Outlook (QRO), in partnership with Totaljobs, found that while there was a modest improvement in the overall number of businesses attempting to recruit in Q4, sectoral disparities remain.
The Department for International Trade have confirm that, as of 12 January 2021, preferential tariff rates on UK exports to Chile, as set out in the agreement, are being applied.
4,500 secondary school children in Sheffield do not have access to a computer to carry out their schoolwork. These children are in danger of significantly falling behind in their education.
Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the BCC, comments on reformed prompt payment code
At precisely 11.00 pm on the 31st December 2020, the United Kingdom left the European customs union and the single market.
A little-known Sheffield institution has joined the Sheffield Chamber for the first time.
Commenting on GDP figures for November 2020 published today by the ONS, BCC Head of Economics Suren Thiru said: