Sheffield Hallam University's Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) has been announced as a key partner in the new UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE).
Baroness Sayeeda Warsi - Britain's first female Muslim cabinet minister - will explore cultural differences, terrorism, social justice, religious freedom and the meaning of 'British values' at an upcoming event at Sheffield Hallam University.
The Law Society has recently issued a practice note to solicitors about acting for clients who want to transfer assets to family or friends with a view to planning for future care.
One in five businesses have fallen victim to cyber-attacks in the past year, according to the results of a survey released today (Tuesday) by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC).
Commenting on the PM's decision to seek a General Election on June 8th, Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: -Many business communities will understandably be concerned that attention will inevitably shift from the economy and the intricacies of leaving the EU to a potential election campaign.
New Era Development's Chinese Business Incubator and Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University are pleased to invite you an early evening conference to hear our research findings on the topic of 'Doing Business with China'.
Sheffield Chamber have teamed up with Bibby Financial Services and the British Chambers of Commerce, to bring you a solutions led event exploring the finance options available for businesses trading overseas.
Under The Sunday Times Profit Track 'Ones to Recognise' category, Gripple, the Sheffield-headquartered manufacturer of the iconic wire fastener, was named as one of the national companies which have shown good profit growth in the past and are set to grow rapidly in the future.
10-year report based on 8,176 injured patients aged 60 and above Report reveals urgent need to tackle the growing problem Falls from a standing height are now the most common cause of major trauma, the first national report on major injury in older people has revealed.