hlw Keeble Hawson's Sheffield office has cemented its long-standing association with St Luke's Hospice by appointing it as the firm's official charity for 2017.
Sir Keith Burnett CBE, Vice Chancellor of the University of Sheffield has written an interesting article in the International Business Times which can be viewed here.
Sheffield will turn the spotlight on tough issues such as human trafficking, recovering from drug addiction and policing during a week of hard-hitting public events.
The government is consulting on changes to Houses in Multiple Occupancy Licensing which will bring more properties and landlords inside the scope of the law - and adding more penalties for landlords without a license.
LEADING South Yorkshire dementia charity Lost Chord is in line for a major funding boost from the Big Lottery Fund's People's Projects campaign! Lost Chord is the charity that provides vital interactive musical experiences for people living with dementia in care homes and day centres across the region and nationally.
Innovative telematics technology provider announces investment from international corporate investors Today, Innovative telematics technology provider The Floow has confirmed that it has received £13m equity investment that will further accelerate the company's strong momentum and global growth.
April is commonly a busy time of year for HR professionals, with new employment legislation due to come into force.
Join Virgin Money at the Sheffield Lounge on 30 March for an evening of Sporting Inspiration, with all funds raised going to Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind and Sheffield Hospitals Charity.
Graphic novel created to explain bioenergy and answer questions Developed by artists and academics, including the University of Sheffield's Dr Karen Finney.