*View the video here* His Royal Highness Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, has praised Sheffield Hallam University's award-winning Heart of the Campus Building at Collegiate Crescent during a commemorative visit.
Fragomen, the leading immigration services provider in the UK, hosted David Blunkett at its Sheffield office on Tuesday, 4 October to receive his input on Brexit and immigration.
An exhibition looking at the regeneration of one of Sheffield's most iconic buildings opens this week.
Dr Luke Beardon from Sheffield Hallam University's Autism Centre has won two awards at the inaugural UK Autism Hero Awards.
Sheffield Hallam University have worked with Sheffield Children's Hospital's A&E to simulate scenarios to cope with demand at peak hours within the department Research by the University found that while the number of annual visitors to A&E is set to rise past 50,000 per year for the first time, nearly a quarter (22%) of those who arrive at the department don't need emergency care.
A young Magna employee has won recognition in a national competition designed to showcase the benefits of apprenticeships in the workplace.
Sheffield Theatres is celebrating unprecedented success in this year's UK Theatre Awards with a record win of 6 awards including Best Musical Production.
Date: Friday, 21st Oct 2016 Time: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM SYAC wishes to invite you to our celebration marking 25 years since its opening.
Scott Burkinshaw, partner at Shorts and head of their Innovation Taxes Group discusses this generous relief available to innovative businesses The government is keen to support businesses that innovate and through schemes such as Research and Development Tax Reliefs (R&D) and Patent Box Tax Reliefs offer highly generous tax breaks for businesses that do.