Business owners could be forgiven for assuming they will qualify for Entrepreneurs' Relief on the sale of their business, and benefit from the low rate of Capital Gains Tax of 10%.
Servicing Yorkshire, Sheffield based IM&M Ltd are channel partners and approved suppliers of many market leading safety brands including, MSA, Drager, Martindale, Lakeland, Tractel, AlphaBiolabs, Airacom and many more.
What we do JWJ Finance Limited is an independent Business Finance Consultancy which operates 'whole of market'.
National investment group Mercia Technologies PLC, one of the UK's most active technology investors, is pleased to announce that its direct investment Medherant, a developer of innovative transdermal drug delivery treatments for pain and CNS diseases, has successfully completed two Phase I studies with its novel Ibuprofen TEPI® Patch.
Sheffield Hallam University has been named 'Best Educational Institution' by TIGA, the independent games association, at an awards ceremony in London.
A new force in the travel sector has been created by the simultaneous completion of two transactions, intended to be the first stage of a buy and build play in the specialist travel sector, in which Sheffield based deal-making firm, Castle Square Corporate Finance played a key role.
Bond Bryan's main headquarters, The Church Studio in Sheffield, is steeped in history spanning back to its creation in 1908.
Sheffield Hallam University's ties to an international business were strengthened this week when a delegation from the company awarded an accolade to a leading researcher.
TEN men and women from the GB Boxing squad will compete in the GB Boxing Championships 2018 at the English Institute of Sport Sheffield on Thursday 6 December 2018 (doors open at 6.