Two inspirational teachers from the University of Sheffield have been honoured with national awards in recognition of their work helping to transform student and academic learning.
Landmarks is a thriving, Independent Specialist College for people with learning difficulties and disabilities.
Addition Design and Research was founded specifically to push the boundaries of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and industrial 3D printing and support innovation through advanced research and intelligent design capabilities.
Nine firefighters from Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) will set off on the 22nd September to take on a gruelling two-day challenge, cycling the width of the country to raise money for The Children's Hospital Charity.
Local charity, South Yorkshire's Community Foundation (SYCF) is conducting its annual survey into community needs and calling on local people in Sheffield to take part and give their opinions.
On September 14th it will be the 25th Sleep Out hosted by the Cathedral Archer Project to raise awareness and funds to support their work with homeless people in Sheffield.
The online educational publisher Twinkl is partnering with BBC Children in Need this year to support schools to raise as much money as possible for disadvantaged children and young people.
Sheffield solicitors are bringing mental health to the top of the agenda at a seminar later this month.
Eight Years Of Consecutive Growth For Irwin Mitchell As Part Of Successful Investment Strategy Irwin Mitchell has announced turnover growth for the eighth successive year to £241.