Businesses in the Sheffield City Region are set to benefit from the UK's £4bn Airbus and Rolls-Royce Indonesian aerospace deal due to -South Yorkshire's diverse manufacturing community.
Jillian Thomas, managing director of Future Life Wealth Management, has been shortlisted for two prestigious award designed to honour the contribution women make to business in the Yorkshire region.
Age UK Sheffield has been awarded £90,000 of funding over three years to provide dedicated support to older veterans in the city.
21ST JUNE 2016 You are cordially invited as one of Sheffield's leading businesses, to an evening of food and drink as we reveal what's on offer at Bramall Lane to you and your business.
The UK trade deficit in goods and services was £3.
An event to celebrate the opening of hlw Keeble Hawson's office move to Capitol Building at Bond Court, Leeds, has boosted funds for St Gemma's Hospice by over £500.
An engineering student from Sheffield Hallam University is one of just five students in the running for a national STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) award.
Sheffield broker IFM Insurance based on Tapton House Road today announces that it is to sponsor the Hallamshire Golf Day on 10th June in support of Neurocare.
A unique conference that gave patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) the chance to express their perspectives on the condition directly to medical experts has been held in Sheffield.