Yorkshire and Humber must reverse the trade deficit to boost the regional economy, according to a Sheffield business leader.
An in-house ground breaking ceremony has been in held in Sheffield to celebrate work commencing on a £65million pound landmark development in the city.
A NEWLY-LAUNCHED Cancer Research UK study could be the first step towards exercise training being introduced as a new NHS treatment for prostate cancer.
The BCC's economic survey for Q4 2015 signals slower economic growth in the short term.
A leading Sheffield-based haulage and logistics firm has added to its ranks with the appointment of a new customer service manager.
Sheffield Hallam University's annual Sport and Physical Activity Student Conference will challenge aspiring sport professionals to address sport's role in a changing society.
- Sheffield and Leeds set to increase output in 2016 - Economic gap between North & South continues to widen Economic growth within Yorkshire's largest cities will increase slightly during 2016 according to a new report which also highlights that the Government's flagship 'Northern Powerhouse' initiative is still struggling to gain traction.
A South Yorkshire recruitment company is hoping to share secrets to health, wealth and success with local entrepreneurs by bringing together three inspirational leaders from across the region to kick-start the New Year in style.