A Sheffield-based IT company has seen server sales top £500,000 as firms look to increase and enhance security ahead of the forthcoming GDPR regulations.
A listed former Sheffield school is now the Gripple training academy, as well as its staff social club, after a sympathetic £1m conversion by the Sheffield manufacturer which has just hit a record £69m turnover.
Grey Matter has appointed Andrew Marsden as its new Creative Director.
A mature nursing student has achieved her life-long ambition after graduating from Sheffield Hallam University, together with her two daughters who graduated alongside her.
Mercia Technologies PLC, the national investment group focused on the funding and scaling of innovative technology businesses with high growth potential from the UK regions, is pleased to announce that its direct investment, Impression Technologies Limited (ITL), part of a leading consortium including Gestamp Washington UK Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gestamp Automoción, one of the world's largest suppliers of automotive components), have together successfully secured funding totalling £9.
The British Chambers of Commerce, in partnership with DHL, today (Thursday) publishes its latest Quarterly International Trade Outlook, based on survey and documentation data from UK exporters.
Business and regional bodies say improved connectivity will drive productivity growth across much of the UK and help close to the gap between the best and worst performing regions, according to a new study published by HS2 Ltd today.
Businesses and regional bodies in South Yorkshire say improved connectivity will drive productivity growth across much of the UK and help to close the gap between the best and worst performing regions, according to a new study published today by HS2 Ltd.
Commenting on the publication of the rail strategy by the Department for Transport, Jane Gratton, Head of Business Environment at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: -The prospect of increasing capacity by re-opening some railway routes will be cheered by business communities across the UK, and help to crowd in local housing and economic developments.