To coincide with the start of the new school term, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has unveiled an ambitious plan to put thousands of young people in England directly in touch with local businesses, to improve the quality of careers advice they receive.
People recovering from addiction and substance abuse, and the support networks so vital to secure a return to health, are to be put centre stage in a series of University-supported events to mark National Recovery Month.
A programme of major events including Lady GaGa, The British Juggling Convention, Derren Brown and SIBA BeerX brought £30million to the Sheffield economy, new figures have shown.
Gaps in the funding ladder could be preventing medium-sized businesses (MSBs) in Yorkshire from realising their growth ambitions, according to a new report by the CBI and accountancy and business advisory firm BDO LLP.
Relationship solicitors at Wake Smith in Sheffield says the Ashley Madison hacking case may evoke a nationwide stream of divorce enquiries once spouses discover their other half has registered on the site as a potential relationship cheat.
Sports engineering experts at Sheffield Hallam University have helped to kick off the new football season in Europe, after being drafted in to help test goal line technology for League 1 in France, Serie A in Italy as well as the English Premier League.
Road Safety specialists are holding a free event to help South Yorkshire businesses protect their staff that drive for work, after recent research highlighted local companies did not have appropriate policies and procedures in place.
World-renowned philanthropist and Sheffield alumnus Jeremy Grantham, together with his wife Hanne, have been awarded the 2015 Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy for their environmental protection efforts.