The Sheffield College has won an award for its trailblazing work involving employers in the curriculum to ensure students get the skills to go further in their careers.
Are you involved in human resources or the hiring of employees/line management of other employees? We are looking for participants to complete our survey on their thoughts of autistic employees, whether you have hired/manage someone with autism or not
A company created with the support of University of Sheffield academics and alumni, whose cutting edge technology is helping to keep road users safe and bring down the cost of insurance for those who drive safely, has been acquired in a deal worth approxi
A Finish start-up that delivers online postnatal exercise programmes to help new mothers recover safely after childbirth is part of the cohort of health businesses accepted onto Sheffield Hallam University’s latest Wellbeing Accelerator.
Local Accountant Andrew Heelin has retired after a career spanning 48 years working at the Chesterfield offices of local accountancy firm, Shorts.
In a joint statement by the CEOs of Doncaster, Sheffield and Barnsley & Rotherham Chambers of Commerce, they said:
From 6 April 2022 right to work checks will change.
Shorts are delighted to announce the promotion of David Robinson to the position of Tax Partner, with effect from 1 April 2022.
The University of Sheffield Careers Service is pleased to announce the launch of the Inspiring Student Worker Awards 2022 to recognise students who excel in their workplace and employers who help facilitate this.