As you may be aware a further strike has been called by RMT members affecting all ARN services in its Northern franchise area on Friday 28 April 2017.
Meadowhall is set to provide £100k of pre-employability training and capacity building to help individuals and companies in Sheffield benefit from the proposed £300m Leisure Hall.
BHP, Yorkshire's largest independent firm of Chartered Accountants, is delighted to announce a hat-trick of new partners.
An innovative approach by a major leisure operator in the UK to introduce the government's sugar tax initiative on unhealthy fizzy drinks has seen remarkable results.
Ground-breaking technology designed by Sheffield Hallam University to provide an in-depth analysis of fingerprints at crime scenes has been proven to be compatible with real-life forensic investigations.
Infrastructure support service leader Amey put safety first when ordering a fleet of crane-equipped 3.
University of Sheffield President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Keith Burnett has signed an agreement with Professor Dr Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha, Vice-Chancellor of UNITEN University in Malaysia, to build research partnerships and student and faculty exchanges between the two institutions in the crucial area of energy.
The Sheffield City Region Chambers are co-delivering a major breakfast event to publicly unveil the latest intelligence from its Quarterly Economic Survey affecting those firms operating within the region.
Brought to you by niche employment law specialists.