SHEFFIELD'S keenest fitness fans are on target to raise more than £5,000 for St Luke's Hospice.
Hundreds of Sheffield's high street businesses could effectively be turning away the custom of 1 in 5 people by not attracting disabled people and carers.
A Sheffield Hallam University academic with responsibility for evaluating academic impact on students has been appointed as one of two national Learning and Teaching Ambassadors for Teaching Excellence.
Student athletes from Sheffield Hallam University are set to represent Great Britain in the World University Winter Games in Kazakhstan.
A new course to help professionals identify mental health risks amongst children and young people has been developed by Sheffield Hallam University.
hlw Keeble Hawson has represented a car parts distributor - which has branches in Barnsley and Sheffield - in its acquisition of a new head office and warehousing centre.
Footage reveals dormice use their hypersensitive whiskers to explore their tree canopy at night Dormice avoided crossing the space between habitats, leading to a change in their behaviour Hedgerows can help fill gaps in habitats to help the endangered species' survival The existence of the UK's endangered Hazel dormouse is under threat as gaps in tree canopies are leaving the creatures unable to use their hypersensitive whiskers to naturally cross between habitats, a new study reveals.
Sheffield Hallam University has begun working on a revolutionary virtual-reality (VR) game around the life of one of Britain's greatest scientists.
CHARITY support and networking organisation The Charity Hub has made a donation of £130 to St Luke's Hospice.