A £3.
Sheffield's Taylor&Emmet LLP is helping the region's property professionals find out more about handling problem tenants.
Sixth formers at a Dronfield school are set to say farewell to the classroom in style after winning a Sheffield Hallam University competition to help them plan their perfect prom.
As the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) publishes statistics that show two-in-five businesses are more concerned about business rates than three months ago, the business group renews its call for action in the Spring Budget this week to ease the burden of rates and bring about fundamental reform to the system.
Rail depot equipment specialist, Mechan, is joining France's CIM Group one of the industry's most ambitious international suppliers of integrated solutions.
Researchers discover evidence of planetary debris surrounding a double sun Rocky debris suggests terrestrial planets similar to Tatooine may exist in system Evidence of planetary debris surrounding a double sun in a Star Wars-like system has been found by a team of researchers including scientists from the University of Sheffield.
A new study has suggested comics are a better resource than text alone for students to learn new educational information.
Commenting on the BEIS Committee's report on Industrial Strategy published today (Friday), Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: -A clear, ambitious mission and the untapped potential of our towns, cities and counties need to sit at the heart of the Industrial Strategy.
Hundreds of businesses across the Sheffield City Region are sharing their views on Theresa May's Industrial Strategy to shape local and national business support.