Ferndale Garden Centre at Coal Aston recently hosted a festive flowers and fizz evening with the BBC's Big Allotment Challenge's floral expert, Derbyshire-based Jonathan Moseley in aid of Myeloma UK charity.
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Transport Forum has given evidence at a House of Lords inquiry on the potential benefits of HS2 high speed rail for the city business region.
Westfield Health has reinforced its position as a dedicated counteract of health insurance fraud by winning two industry awards.
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Competitive salary based on experience About Counter Context Counter Context is a leading communications company that specialises in helping clients to consult, engage and promote.
When Ferndale's faithful Father Christmas was injured prior to Christmas, staff at the popular Garden Centre in Coal Aston knew dozens of children would be disappointed not to see Santa, so they utilised the local press and modern technology to get the word out a 'close relative' was needed urgently! Father Christmas has his fair share of Facebook Friends, fortunately, and one stepped forward to save the day! He is now very busy meeting children, collecting their present lists and checking with mums and dads whether they have been good this year.
As the festive season approaches, Sheffield Housing Company (SHC) has been getting involved to help local community groups achieve Yuletide goals.
A quizmaster from Yorkshire celebrated his 40th birthday by scoring 100 per cent on BBC Radio Two's cult Pop Master quiz show.
The Sheffield Chamber of Commerce commenced delivery of a Sales Training Programme which is focused around sales and associated techniques in November.