South Yorkshire business have been urged to -get claiming by local digital service providers after Superfast South Yorkshire's (SFSY) new Connection and Innovations Voucher Scheme launched officially on Monday.
A team of senior police officers from India has visited Sheffield Hallam University as part of a Government project aimed at improving access to justice for female victims of violence.
Join us for this action packed networking event with a twist.
Chamber President, Darren Pearce, invites you to one of the most popular social events on the calendar for Sheffield businesses! Whether you're new to the Chamber or you've been a member for years, this event is a perfect place to network within the city.
Nationally recognised property management specialist, Cassandra Zanelli and her team have joined hlw Keeble Hawson marking a significant development for the firm.
A Sheffield auctioneer has topped the Yorkshire and Humber results tables for 2016 with sales of more than £27million in the same week its first 'exceptional' auction of 2017 saw 100% of lots sold.
HR Forum will help employers deal with poor performance and misconduct An HR forum in Sheffield on 10 February will equip managers who have human resources responsibilities with guidance on managing poor staff performance and misconduct.
THE designers of the new St Luke's Hospice In Patient Centre have won a major award.