An additional MRI scan during pregnancy could help to more accurately detect foetal abnormalities and give more certainty for parents whose 20-week ultrasound scan showed a potential problem, according to new research by scientists at the University of Sheffield.
Sheffield Hallam University has launched an international academy to support new research and policy in the area of drug and alcohol desistance and recovery.
A £1 million grant to help researchers understand what speakers know about languages, in order to help make learning foreign languages easier, has been awarded to the University of Sheffield.
Solicitor Laura Sanderson has become the latest recruit to join the commercial property team at Sheffield's Wake Smith.
hlw Keeble Hawson has acted for Peak Venues in an acquisition which has further developed its portfolio within the Peak District National Park.
ST Luke's Hospice is strengthening its community links thanks to a special gift from The Gilder Group.
Steel City, Sheffield branded merchandise distributor has recently hosted their inaugural Steel City Cup charity squash event.
Inspirational stories abounded when the city's leading training and skills academy staged its success awards.
Gym goers and amateur athletes are being targeted by a European-wide project to prevent the use of performance enhancing drugs.