hlw Keeble Hawson's private client team has clocked up 400 hours of pro bono support to boost a wealth of worthy charities across South Yorkshire.
A business venture to import specialist Koi Carp from Japan for UK resale has realised a £788k turnover in less than five years and spawned embryo businesses.
Magna is bringing back its popular wedding fayre after the first event was attended by over 500 brides-to-be.
Sheffield City Region must use the EU referendum result as either a 'wake-up call or a springboard', according to a new business forum.
Richard Wright, Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, said: "We welcome the news enthusiastically.
Commenting on the public sector finance figures for June 2016, published today by the ONS, Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the BCC, said: -While the decline in borrowing for the second successive month is encouraging, progress in cutting the deficit remains painfully slow.
In the three months to May 2016, employment rose by 176,000, and unemployment fell by 54,000 The unemployment rate was 4.
Neglected city centre site is developing into 'pop-up' community eco-park 'Love Square' will provide a much-needed social space for workers and residents in the area Work is underway to develop an innovative 'pop-up' urban eco park in Sheffield.
Finch, a leading Commercial Insurance and Employee Benefits broker, is proud to be celebrating 3 years of successful business in Sheffield.