The impacts of the pandemic will be felt well into the future but for now, businesses are taking their first steps in gradually reopening.
A new South Yorkshire Chambers event is set to offer free advice on managing cash flow as their landmark economic survey records fast improvement in the region's economy alongside new risks.
Online retailer Mattress Online has today announced record business growth for the last 12 months, driven by a surge in sales during the pandemic.
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce needs your help in leading the way in making Sheffield the best place in the UK to start, grow, and run a successful and sustainable business.
Social housing consortium Efficiency North is delighted to announce the appointment of new Independent Board Chair, Pauline Davis, who took up the post on 17 June 2021.
BHP Corporate Finance has recognised the ‘hard work, commitment and expertise within its team through the promotion of two longstanding employees; Will Holmes and Juel Chowdhury.
Andy File Associates, a South Yorkshire-based recruitment agency has strengthened its workforce after welcoming three new employees to support the continuing success and growth the firm has experienced since the easing of lockdown restrictions.
Sheffield Insurance Broker IFM is reminding local firms about the importance of protecting their businesses against the risk of flooding.
On May 25th 2021, Shorts hosted a Tax & Economic Update for Businesses & Business Owners webinar. This special event offered an essential update for business owners on the prospects for the UK economy and the latest key tax-saving ideas.