This workshop will equip you with the basic knowledge and skills needed to plan, shoot/film, edit, export and upload an online video.
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce is launching a new payment scheme which is designed to assist working families with the cost of childcare.
RAPRA, in conjunction with The University of Sheffield, have arranged a Funding Workshop to increase awareness and assist with access to available R&D funding at all levels.
Take Part in the National Transplant Games Donor Run and help support local patients More than 10,000 people in the UK are currently in need of an organ transplant.
Are you Getting the Most out of your SharePoint System The answer to this is almost always, no or more accurately, I don't know? The use of SharePoint within organisations is extensive and so is the scale of understanding.
BCC's EU Business Barometer of nearly 4,000 businesses continues to show support for renegotiation with Europe The vast majority of businesses surveyed showed support for a referendum on EU membership The most popular option for when any referendum should take place is after negotiations have run their course John Longworth: -The status quo is not an option.
CSI Lifecycle Services has expanded its IT recycling footprint again, this time in Europe.
Every ten minutes, someone receives the news that they have breast cancer.