Views Wanted On Exempting Newly Built Developments A property litigation expert has warned property developers and other industry experts that they have only a month left to respond to a consultation related to the Government's proposal to exempt newly built commercial property from empty property rates.
School Trends will be celebrating its 25th year in providing quality schoolwear to schools coinciding with the UK's first Employee Ownership Day on 4th July.
The world is on the cusp of another industrial revolution.
Working together to support the changing role of Reservists This article relates to the 2013 MOD White Paper 'Reserves in the Future Force 2020: Valuable and Valued'.
Managed pub and bar group TCG has selected Cafeology as its new coffee partner.
A team of four pupils from Birkdale won the Entertainment Category of the inaugural TeenTech Awards which was held at the Royal Society in London recently.
Smaller Businesses 'Not as Prepared as They Think' On New Rules - Leading Firm Says Findings Reveal That SMEs Need Support A survey examining the readiness of Yorkshire SMEs for auto-enrolment pension rules has revealed that with less than a year to go, many are at risk of facing significant fines for non-compliance.
Zoe Roberts, head of the corporate tax team at Barber Harrison & Platt (BHP) has been promoted to partner.