Sheffield City Council is inviting individuals, groups and organisations to support the future of the library services.
The Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is today welcoming the Government's announcement to make £59 million available to Enterprise Zones so that key infrastructure projects can be completed more quickly.
On 8th February the Sheffield City Region Chambers hosted their second Conference for Growth at Doncaster Racecourse.
Leading energy saving solutions manufacturer EMSc (UK) Ltd has acted swiftly to agree with the findings published by Salix Finance Ltd, in their recent report on step-down transformers.
"Having good mental health means being able to live a fulfilling life and managing well when life is challenging.
Central Technology is among a handful of regional companies to clinch the gold standard in IT security which will be instrumental in driving their growth.
Sheffield broker IFM Insurance is urging the government to agree a solution with the insurance industry on flood cover before it is too late.
February A Record Breaking Month for The X-Cel Group Last month was a record breaking month for X-Cel Superturn putting the group firmly on the track to reaching its targeted £30 million annual turnover.