This year SRSB returns to Hallamshire Golf Club for its annual charity golf day.
A popular corporate travel scheme run by Stagecoach Yorkshire is aiming to extend to even more business 'friends' across the regional business community.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Sheffield Business School has announced he is to leave his role at the end of September 2015 to take up the role of Director General and Dean of the Management School of the University of Liège in Belgium.
You are invited to join us on Friday 12th June, 12noon ~ 2pm to celebrate our Global ID Sports Day and more.
Video cake is all about making great looking videos which are expertly shot, crafted and polished to perfection all at affordable rates.
Researchers from around the UK, led by a team at the University of Sheffield's Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN), have found new evidence to support early nutrition management in motor neuron disease (MND).
Manchester developer MCR Property Group has started work on a £1.
Experts From Irwin Mitchell Lend Support To Sheffield Charity Two specialist business lawyers at Irwin Mitchell's Sheffield office are sacrificing a good night's sleep in a comfy bed for a night out under stars this week in an effort to raise vital funds to support the city's Cathedral Archer Project (CAP).
Proposals for the second phase of home building by Sheffield Housing Company have been approved by the city's planning committee (26th May).