Empty commercial properties in Sheffield could be the target for squatters following a change to the law, according to local broker IFM Insurance.
Commenting on the proposals to launch a national traineeship programme published by the government today, Dr Adam Marshall, Director of Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: -Traineeships could help the large number of young people who have left education in recent years without the basic skills needed to get into a skilled job or an apprenticeship.
Commenting on today's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decision, David Kern, Chief Economist at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: -The MPC's decision to maintain QE at £375bn and hold interest rates at 0.
Sheffield solicitors, Taylor&Emmet LLP, is giving Yorkshire's people managers a chance to meet fellow professionals and learn more about topical issues affecting the sector.
Sheffield-based Mechan is launching a range of energy efficient shunters onto the UK market, offering a greener alternative to the diesel engines used in rail depots.
This two day course combines meaningful and practical learning experiences with calm reflection and discussion, taking participants through a programme which mirrors that of the timeline of an event.
St Vincent's Furniture Store has raised more than £12,500 to help purchase a new transit van to collect and deliver donated items of furniture and household goods.
BCC's Quarterly Economic Survey for Q4 2012 shows progress, with almost all major balances improving since Q3.