Sheffield United has given a £7,000 boost to The Children's Hospital Charity's Make it Better appeal.
A development group which has outlined its plans for a £500m Sheffield city centre retail quarter has welcomed a decision by Sheffield City Council to seek a competitive dialogue.
Students and graduates set to receive £5k towards business start-up costs A Sheffield Hallam University entrepreneurial challenge which invites students and recent graduates to submit business plans in a bid to receive financial backing has had a funding boost from UK Steel Enterprise with the winner set to receive £5,000 towards the start-up costs of their business.
A new Sheffield percussion ensemble for people with disabilities is looking for new members to join the group.
Sheffield law firm Cartwright King is warning local companies not to fall foul of the impact that employee motoring offences can have on business.
Ignition Search, working with Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, are pleased to announce that attendees at their next seminar on 7th May will benefit from being able to speak directly to a representative from Google.
At a time when everyone is looking to improve business productivity and increase profits thinking outside of the square is called for.
EMSc (UK) Ltd, manufacturer of the Powerstar range of voltage optimisation systems, is pleased to announce it has been named amongst Yorkshire's top 100 SMEs for 2015.
- New Funding To Fuel Engineering Firm's International Growth Plans Sheffield-based engineering company Samuel Hodge has secured a multi-million pound refinancing deal through its new banking partner, Barclays.