A powerful Chinese champion
9th May 2013
EMSc (UK) Ltd, manufacturer of the multi award winning, market leading voltage optimisation solution Powerstar, is pleased to announce that the product has been identified as a 'champion technology' by Chinese government experts.
China's booming economy not only makes it one of the world's leading manufacturing forces, but also one of the world's largest polluters - emitting over 9.8 million tons of carbon dioxide -and a huge consumer of energy. In a bid to find ways to reduce energy consumption, two years ago the Chinese government challenged experts in the energy management field to identify a number of 'champion technologies' to assist in reducing reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. A panel of 30 industry experts formed a technology group dedicated to scouring the world to find these 'champion technologies' that could reduce both electricity consumption and carbon footprint. After 2 years of extensive searching the panel identified the electronic-dynamic technology offered in Powerstar's MAX and HV MAX solutions. Dr Alex Mardapittas, the managing director of EMSc (UK) Ltd, recently attended a presentation in China arranged by two members of the focus group Professor Wei Xingzhao and Professor Xiaohui Tong. Both professors were from the School of Material Science and Engineering at China's University of Technology. Dr. Mardapittas discussed the possibilities of the technology using the Powerstar MAX voltage for Low Voltage Optimisation and the Powerstar HV MAX for High Voltage Optimisation. Dr. Mardapittas commented, -It is a great honour to have Powerstar chosen as a 'champion technology', particularly after such extensive search was carried out by such a renowned group of industry professionals. We are proud to be working on this project and I am looking forward to see the first results and case studies in China from the first trials. - Powerstar MAX and Powerstar HV MAX systems have been purchased for initial trials, before a larger scale roll-out of the Powerstar systems takes place later in the year. EMSc (UK) Ltd anticipates the technology will prove to be extremely effective in China.