Are You Ready For The Apprenticeship Levy?
22nd January 2017
At the beginning of April 2017 the Apprenticeship Levy will be introduced which if you have a wage bill of more than £3 million a year will require you to pay a levy to Government of 0.
5% of your wage bill. From May 1st 2017 you will then be able to use this funding to pay for training of both new and existing staff on approved apprenticeship training programmes. The Apprenticeship Levy will be manged through the new Digital Apprenticeship Service, which is an online portal where you can see how much funding you have in your levy account and use it to select your training provider. At this breakfast event put on by The Sheffield College, you can hear first-hand from Bev Moxon of the Government's Skills Funding Agency about how the Digital Apprenticeship Service works. In addition, you will get an update on the latest guidance and rules on what you can use the Levy for. This event is brought to you by The Sheffield College, the region's largest Further Education college, in partnership with the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Timings 8.00 a.m - Registration and breakfast 8.30 to 9.15 - Presentation from the Skills Funding Agency and The Sheffield College on the latest on the Apprenticeship Levy and a demonstration of the Digital Apprenticeship Service 9.15 9.45 - Questions and Discussion Book Please Click Here to book your place and register.