BCC Business and Education Survey
22nd July 2015
Today's pupils are tomorrow's workforce, which is why education is such an important issue for business.
We know that many businesses think we can do more to help prepare young people for work and there is growing consensus that there needs to be stronger links between education and business to do this. It is important we fully understand how businesses currently engage with the education sector and the benefits and challenges that arise from this partnership. I would therefore be grateful if you would spare a few minutes to complete this survey. This will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. With the youth unemployment rate almost three times that of the total adult unemployment, we at the British Chambers of Commerce think it is a joint responsibility between Government, business and the education sector to address this. By completing this short survey, you will help us serve as the voice of business and identify practical solutions to help prepare our future workforce. Whilst we will collate and publish findings from the survey, information that you provide will remain confidential. Click here to complete survey