Beat the Beast Quiz Night at Bramall Lane
18th December 2018
Sheffield United are looking for teams of five contestants to 'Beat the Beast' and enter the Blades Big Team Quiz, hosted by Mark 'The Beast' Labbett, as seen on TV's The Chase.
The event will be held on Thursday 31st January 2019 and this is the chance for your quiz team to test your knowledge against one of TV's most formidable quizzing minds and challenge those in the room as you strive to win the top prize, plus undisputed year-long bragging rights. Enter as a team from work or perhaps get together with a few friends or family and test yourself against 'The Beast'. The quiz will be staged in Sheffield United's Platinum Suite, with Mark firing questions for your team to answer interactively throughout what will be a fun-filled evening. Come and pit your wits against the other teams in the room as you strive to win the top prizes that will be on offer for the winning teams and winning individuals. Your team of five will have its own table and the £125 fee will include a pie and pea supper for all team members. There is also a limited edition 'Meet and Greet' on offer, pre-quiz, with 'The Beast' himself in Legends of the Lane. These cost £175 per team and includes not only the chance to get up close and personal with Mark, but all your team members will receive an individual photograph with the man himself, signed by 'The Beast'! Click here to reserve a team place for what is sure to be a winning evening, or contact box office on 0114 253 7200 (Option 1).