Big Chocolate Tea
22nd March 2016
You are invited to take part in Big Chocolate Tea Friday 22 April - Monday 2 May 2016 A piece of cake to make a difference! Join us for The Sick Children's Trust's Big Chocolate Tea.
Take part and support families with seriously ill children in hospital in the UK. We've got all the information you need below, so pop the kettle on, grab your favourite mug and enjoy a cup of tea on us. The biggest annual fundraising event for chocolate, tea and baking lovers! By taking part this year, you'll help The Sick Children's Trust support around 4,000 families with critically ill children. Host a tea party, cake sale or bake-off in the last week of April and donate the proceeds to The Sick Children's Trust. We provide free, high-quality 'Home from Home' accommodation, as well as emotional and practical support, to families with children receiving lifesaving treatment in hospital. Could you raise £30 during Big Chocolate Tea and support a family for one night? Order your Big Chocolate Tea pack today - full of great ideas and little extras which will help you host a scrumptious cake sale, brilliant bake-off or wonderful tea party. Email or call 020 7283 4854