BiSEA Roadshow to the UK 2019
8th March 2019
BiSEA, in co-operation with the UKABC, DIT, Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Sheffield International Trade Centre would like to invite you to meet our representatives of Britchams to discuss export opportunities in each country for a 1-2-1 meeting.
South East Asia is a region where economic growth and development is expected to exceed the global average for the foreseeable future. With a wealth of natural resources, low-cost skilled labour, and a regional Free Trade Agreement, the great diversity of markets and opportunities are attractive across a wide range of sector. Steady growth combined with investor-friendly government policies have attracted businesses keen to explore the vibrant new domestic markets that are emerging. Entrepreneurs are seizing the opportunity. South East Asia's economic dynamism is substantially enhancing the buying power of a growing middle class that is driving new consumer demands for many products. By 2030, South East Asia's economy is predicted to eclipse Japan's and be world's 4th largest 'single market' after the EU, US and China. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) predicts that the size of the middle class in emerging Asia will increase from 24% of the population in 2010 to 65% in 2030. All of this leads to a 'Community of Opportunities'. South East Asia is comprised of markets with diverse socio-cultural differences as well as different legal and regulatory environments but all offer opportunities for UK exporters and investors in practically every sector. Click on the country below for market highlight: Indonesia The Philippines Malaysia Singapore Myanmar Thailand Vietnam To book your one-to-one meeting please register below, then email Yulia Briscoe at Sheffield International Trade Centre to organise time of your one-to-one. Please note the event is free to attend for Sheffield Chamber Members, however for non-members the cost is £20+VAT. Email: Tel: 0114 201 8888