Bold Adventures and the Cavendish Centre team up for massive charity abseil!
6th March 2018
Local outdoor activity company Bold Adventures are busy preparing for a massive 100ft Charity Abseil in support of Cavendish Cancer Care.
Cavendish are a Sheffield charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with cancer in the local region. This year is their 25th Anniversary, so Bold have decided to show their support by organising this great event at Millers Dale Bridge. The event takes place on the 10th March and preparations are well under way to get as many people involved as possible. Bold are aiming for 60 participants, with a sponsorship target of £100, so a total of £6000 for Cavendish! Not only is it an opportunity to raise money for a great cause, it's also a brilliant chance to take on your fears for charity! Not only are Bold organising the event, but the staff themselves are getting involved! Office Manager, Emme Johnson, was the first to sign up to take part in the abseil: -I'm not a big fan of heights but having spent so much time organising this event alongside Cavendish and seeing the great work they do, I had to face my fears and get involved. The staff's fundraising pages can be found here. There are still a few spaces available on the abseil, so Bold are encouraging any new participants to get signed up for a great event and start raising money for a great cause! Anyone interested can get more info here.