Business Crime
15th April 2016
INTRODUCTION South Yorkshire Police (SYP) is dedicated to demonstrating its approach to addressing crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and the fear and perception of the same across the county.
Inclusive of business-related crime and ASB within the business and commercial sectors, we will work closely with businesses and implement appropriate methods of prevention, react to information and intelligence and, take enforcement action against perpetrators as necessary. It is widely understood that a minimum of 15 per cent of all crime is related to business crime. Irrespective of the size and scale of a business, their resilience to the impact of being a victim of crime can vary. For some, this can be considerable, leading to financial loss and in some cases, the business itself. As with any crime, it is essential that business related crime is reported. Unreported crime has the following effect: · The perpetrator will believe that they can repeat the crime · Without a report, an investigation cannot be undertaken · Without an investigation, the chances of stopping the perpetrator is minimal. An investigation should never be seen as an inconvenience as the failure to report the crime to the police, could put the wider business community at risk of the crime. The aim of the SYP Business Crime Group is to ensure that officers are fully equipped to recognise and tackle business crime. In turn, we hope to reassure those within the business and commercial sector by maintaining and enhancing their confidence in our service delivery and, in turn, ensuring that they are not dissuaded from channeling their enterprise and investment in the county due to crime or ASB issues. WHAT IS BUSINESS CRIME? In a meeting Chaired by the Minister for Crime Prevention, the national police lead for business crime reduction working with the National Business Crime Forum (NBCF), the Home Office and the National Retail Crime Steering Group (NRCSG), agreed the following definition for business crime. Since 1 April 2015 this has been: Business crime is any criminal offence that is committed against a person or property which is associated by the connection of that person or property to a business. Note: Whilst 'Business Crime' is not a criminal offence per se, to remove any crime recording ambiguity, the approach to determining an occurrence of 'Business Crime' the domestic abuse and hate crime definitions. As such, the victim determines whether or not the crime has had an impact on a business and, therefore, whether it should be identified as a 'business crime'. CMS offers a 'Business Crime' flag. This facilitates the measurement of the true scale of the crime-type and the initiation of specific policing processes. The definition's use of the words 'any criminal offence' means just that! ANY criminal offence including, say, robbery, threatening behaviour, theft, fraud, damage burglary, assault, is capable of invoking a -Business Aggravated factor flag IF, at the time of reporting the offence: · the person reporting the offence perceives that · the criminal act against the victim (or target) · is due to the connection of the victim (or target) to a particular business Queries as to whether or not a crime is business-related should be directed to the Recording Bureau Supervisor for advice. BUSINESS CRIME ADVICE Advice around approaches to crime prevention may be sought from your local Crime Reduction Officer or PCSO Business Crime Advisors. John Shillito from Community Safety is a Crime Reduction / Architectural Liaison Officer who has a force responsibility for Business Crime and may assist with any enquiries and update you upon any prevention initiatives. The below table is self-explanatory, listing a number of educational and documents provides instant access to business crime toolkits, which may be printed off and used to compliment the Business Crime Advisors engagement plan. ADDITIONAL READING / USEFUL LINKS · Policing Business Crime (College of Policing) · Crimes against business : Commercial Victimisation Surveys · Strategic Business crime update Strategic Business Crime Group Update 2.10.14.doc · ACPO Business Crime Steering Group - 9th October 2014 ACPO Business Crime Steering Group.doc · Federation of Small Business Speech November 2014 Federation of Small Business Speech 2014.pdf FURTHER ASSISTANCE · If you require further assistance, please contact Rachel Lilley 01142 (722330) or the Lifewise Centre Reception 01142 722455 / 722353