Business Roadshows to support skills and innovation growth across region
13th February 2018
Sheffield Hallam University is holding a series of Open for Business Roadshow events across the South Yorkshire region to help businesses understand the range of support on offer to help transform the way they work.
Businesses from across the region are invited to sign up to attend the free events to find out about the opportunities on offer in diverse areas of business including Higher and Degree Apprenticeships, internships and placements, knowledge transfer partnerships and access to the University's expertise and facilities through the Sheffield Innovation Programme. The events are being hosted by the University alongside local enterprise partners in Sheffield, Doncaster, Rotherham and Barnsley and are open to local, national and international businesses. They will take place between February and April, with the first event being held in Barnsley on Tuesday 13 February. Conor Moss, Director of Education and Employer Partnerships at Sheffield Hallam, said: -We want to be a university for the broader region with an applied approach to creating knowledge, innovations and solutions that impact on people's lives and being a beacon for what a university can do for and with its community. -We work particularly closely with the Local Enterprise Partnership to identify hard-to-fill job areas, aiming to increase graduate employment in small and medium sized enterprises in the Sheffield City Region. -As well as supporting businesses to access to our talented graduates, we want to work within those companies and help with their own people development through the newly developed Degree Apprenticeships funded by the Apprenticeship Levy. -These roadshows aim to show businesses we don't yet work with the range of opportunities on offer to them to develop their talent and transform the way they do business and I'd encourage businesses of all sizes to come along and find out more." Visit the University's website to sign up to come along to one of the free events.