Chamber Call for Employers to Actively Back second UTC
25th July 2013
Firstly can I thank all our members and non-members who got involved and supported the first UTC in Sheffield City Region, specialising in engineering and digital, that will open this September, on time and on budget.
It is widely recognised as one of the best UTC projects in the country, not least because the strong partnership approach to developing it and because the relevant industry sectors got involved. There is still things to do but in the Chambers opinion it will start to address some of the real skills issues we have complained about for so long. It is really good that we in the business sector can be part of the solution, rather than the victim. However you can't have too much of a good thing and we are currently evaluating a proposal for a second UTC specialising in the sports, activity, wellness agenda. This is another important sector for the region and one where we can become best in class with the right drive and support. Because they did such a great job with the first one Sheffield College has been appointed to lead the partnership who will deliver the second and we need another batch of employers to get involved. Please remember that this UTC is there to help you. We need you to get involved in both the curriculum design and the eventual delivery but the prize is that you get students who will help you drive your businesses forward. Its Win Win so please read the attached - its important! Richard Wright, Executive Director