Chamber Masterclasses
26th January 2012
Business Leadership Programme This programme focuses on getting the best out of your individual leadership style and maximising your business performance.
The Programme Day 1 Secrets of Inspired Leaders (inc. MBTI Step 1) Day 2 Leadership Theory and Developing your Leadership Style Day 3 Leadership Theory and Developing your Leadership Style continued Day 4 Optimising Performance with Advanced Performance Day 5 Maximise Organisational Performance and Effectiveness Day 6 Why Excellent People Skills Matter Day 7 Leading Change Day 8 Coaching as an Effective Leadership Style Click here for more information Sales Skills Masterclass This three day masterclass is designed to run one day a week over three weeks as an open course, with learners from various organisations sharing best practice and ideas. This approach enables the learner to put into practice their learning and report back to the group their experience and success. All sessions are taught through a mixture of activity and learning to suit alllearning styles and achieve maximum benefit for the learner. All sessions will be focused on committing to action, planning activities for success and reviewing outcomes at the next session. Time is also allowed for learners to reflect on and discuss their learning with colleagues. It is also a practical course that aims to develop the skills and behaviours that build confidence and assertiveness. Click here for more information Presentation Skills Masterclass This two day masterclass provides candidates with the opportunity to learn the necessary skills and techniques on day one and to prepareand practice presenting their pitch with feedback and advice from the trainer on day two. The masterclass comprises facilitated sessions with a good mixture of activity and learning to suit all learning styles and includes ample opportunities for discussion and feedback throughout. Click here for more information Customer Service Masterclass This three day masterclass is designed to run one day a week over three weeks as an open course, with learners from various organisations sharing best practice and ideas. All sessions are taught through a mixture of activity and learning to suit all learning styles and achieve maximum benefit for the learner. The last session will be focused on committing to action, planning activities for success and arranging for the necessary review and monitoring of outcomes. Time is also allowed for learners to reflect on and discuss their learning with colleagues. It is also a practical course that aims to develop the skills and behaviours that build confidence and assertiveness in the workforce. Click here for more information