ChamberHR Website Re-Launched
28th November 2013
Qdos Consulting, the providers of ChamberHR, a human resource (HR) advice line and website available exclusively to Chambers of Commerce members has enhanced the online support available to members From early December, Chamber members will be able to access a new online human resource document library with access to over 400 improved and enhanced documents, policies, letters and template forms.
Head of Business Development at Qdos, Steve Charles said; 'Over recent months we have been working hard on re launching our HR document provision. Many members rely on the HR support we provide as part of the Chamber membership and we want to ensure that the site is as comprehensive as possible for them'. The new online library will see the introduction of a number of new documents and subject areas, with the number of documents available increased to just over 400. The website also benefits from an improved navigation and search facility system which also allows members to access documents from a number of different locations on the website. Head of Operations at Qdos, Toni Robinson added; 'We wanted to enhance the user experience. The new website allows members to find what they are looking for more easily. We are confident that members will find the website simple to use and will find the service a lot quicker and user friendly. In the coming months we hope to enhance the service further by adding audio and video content and guidance as well re launching our newsletter services'. ChamberHR was first launched in 2005 and has over 40,000 Chamber of Commerce members who have access to the website through their membership to the Chamber's of Commerce. For those members who also have access to the Chamber Health and Safety service, the service has also been enhanced to include over 150 new template documents, policies and forms as well as a new 'Getting Started with Health and Safety' section. The ChamberHR and health and safety service is provided by Qdos Consulting, employment law, health and safety, tax and VAT specialists based in Leicestershire. In August, Qdos also launched ChamberHRPlus which provides members with access to an enhanced level of cover and bespoke support. As part of the re-launch we are offering Chamber members a discount of 15% on all HR and Health & safety products. For further information on the employment law, human resource and health and safety services and to claim a discount of 15% contact Qdos Consulting on 01455 852028 or email